Who We Are
Here at Niobrara County Public Health, we are driven by a single goal: to do our part in making the Niobrara County a healthier place for all.

Free COVID 19 testing is available to at the Niobrara County Public Health office on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you are interested in getting tested, please call 307-334-4032 for information.
COVID-19 Vaccinations
COVID-19 vaccinations are available at the Public Health Office.
If you are interested in receiving the vaccine, please call our office at 334-4032 or fill out the registration form to be placed on the waiting list https://forms.gle/Q5GDz3q8wDfWe8uK8

Tai Chi For Health Classes
What is Tai Chi?
An art embracing the mind, body and spirit – Originating in ancient China, tai chi is one of the most effective exercises for health of mind and body. Although an art with great depth of knowledge and skill, it can be easy to learn and soon delivers its health benefits. For many, it continues as a lifetime journey.
Call 307-334-4032 to sign up for a new class.

Healthy U Classes
Healthy U is a workshop for people with chronic health conditions and their friends, family, and caregivers. Over the course of six weeks, Healthy U participants learn valuable skills to help them take control of their condition and live happier, healthier lives. The class uses Stanford’s renowned evidence-based chronic disease self-management program. Participants make a step-by-step plan to improve their health and their life, plus get support from other people who are living with ongoing health conditions. The classes are free to attend and are proven to work.

Maternal and Child Health Services
Becoming pregnant and having a family is overwhelming and often scary. We have a registered nurse and a lactation consultant with specialized training to help moms through their pregnancy and new moms through postpartum, breastfeeding and baby care. We provide education and support to you as you care for your new baby from their first days at home to their first steps through toddler care. These services are free for local families.
Call to learn about childbirth classes, breastfeeding and lactation support, preparing for parenthood, newborn care, welcome home visits, children's special health program, and Best Beginnings Prenatal and Postnatal program.
We can also help qualify pregnant moms for medicaid coverage through presumptive eligibility program. It is designed to improve pregnant women's access to temporary outpatient services while their eligibility for Medicaid benefits is determined.

At Niobrara County Public Health, we offer childhood and adult immunizations on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Call 307-334-4032 to set up an appointment.
There is a $15 service fee for immunization appointments. However, services will not be refused, regardless of patient's ability to pay. We can bill Medicare, Medicaid and some private insurance companies.

Health Clinic
We offer TB skin tests, HIV/STD testing, pregnancy and STD prevention education, nutrition education, chronic disease prevention, blood pressure screenings, A1C checks (blood sugar management), height and weight checks, medication teaching, strep throat testing, children special health, community resource referrals and emergency preparedness among other programs.
There is a $15 fee for STD/HIV testing. However, services will not be refused, regardless of patient's ability to pay. All appointments are confidential.
We also offer health promotion programs based on need and demand in our community. If you find there is a need in the community that is not being covered, please let us know. We may be able to help.

What is Public Health?
Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play. While a doctor treats people who are sick, those of us working in public health try to prevent people from getting sick or injured in the first place. We also promote wellness by encouraging healthy behaviors.
American Public Health Association

Contact Niobrara County Public Health
PO Box 998
911 S. Ballancee Ave.
Lusk, WY 82225